Teaching & Training
Bringing God’s Message of Hope in Jesus Christ
Teaching Format
Many people learn best face-to-face, so we provide opportunities for small or large groups to gather. Times for fellowship and discussion are plentiful as we connect the truths of historic, biblical Christianity to 21st century life. Personal counseling, coaching, and other ministry often flows out of teaching and training sessions. Students are encouraged to ask questions about and discuss Scripture, theology (application of God’s word), ethics, and current issues.
Recent Classes Taught
Acts and Paul (College Level)
A study of the Apostle Paul’s conversion to Christ, life, and teachings as seen in Acts and in his 13 New Testament (NT) letters. Students gain understanding of the early church and learn to apply Bible truth to contemporary issues. We explore Paul’s worldview, missionary strategy, ethics, and the relationship of the NT to the Old Testament. In God’s hands, Paul’s impact on Christian thinking has been profound.
Authentic Manhood (in prison)
This 36 week class equips men for Christian manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth and empowered by God’s grace. Units include: 1. A Man and His Design; 2. A Man and His Story; 3. A Man and His Traps; 4. A Man and His Work; 5. A Man and His Marriage; 6. A Man and His Fatherhood.
Bible in 90 Days (in churches and prison)
This is a group Scripture reading curriculum which helps people attentively read the entire Bible (cover to cover). This intense immersion is meant to give a “top down” perspective on the logic, beauty, and power of God’s Holy Scriptures. “We do not find Jesus Christ in the Old Testament only by spotting accidental references or similarities here and there; Christ is the center and the structure of the whole history of the Old Testament.” (Edmund P. Clowney)
Big Ideas in the Bible (in churches)
Using J. I. Packer’s book, “The 18 Most Important Words You Will Ever Know,” this class provides an introduction to Christian Systematic Theology or a summary of what Biblical Christians believe. Topics include: Revelation (General & Special); Scripture; The Lord (Father, Son & Holy Spirit); The World (Creation & Fall); Sin; The Devil; Grace; The Mediator (Jesus Christ); Reconciliation to God; Faith (Receiving & Resting on Christ); Justification by Faith Alone; Regeneration (being Born Again); Election & Predestination; Holiness & Sanctification; Mortification of Sin; Fellowship with God & Other People; Death (Heaven & Hell).
Christ-Centered Life (pastors’ conference in Kenya)
This three-day conference covered four big ideas: God, Guilt, Grace, and Grateful Living. Most of these pastors had no formal training, so the teaching provided an overview of Christian Systematic Theology, mixed with help in practical ministry (preaching, counseling, evangelism, servant leadership). The pastors were a delight to be with and we connected instantly. We had lots of question and answer time and discussion, in addition to formal instruction. It was a wonderful conference! “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Helping Those Who Hurt (training lay people for Care Ministries)
Classes equip people to bring Christ’s unchanging gospel to an ever-changing world through person-to-person care in Food Ministry, Recovery & Support, Hospital Visitation, and Prayer Team. Focus is on imitating Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and showing compassion to MANY, for God was with Him (Acts 10:38). Particular focus is on helping others find Christ’s help when: Afraid or Anxious; Depressed or Discouraged; Facing a Crisis; Friends Fail; Grieving; Guilty; Needing God’s Protection and Peace; Sick or in Pain; Tempted.
Hope for Youth’s College Prep
High school students from inner city were challenged and enabled to advance academically, socially, and spiritually through Christian mentoring. Various “life skills” classes were taught including: Emotional Intelligence; Problem Solving (3 models); How to Handle People (based on Proverbs); T-H-I-N-K Guidelines for Communication.
The Best Is Yet to Come: Jesus’ Second Coming and Heaven (in churches)
“In keeping with Jesus’ promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. So make every effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with Him.” (2 Peter 3:13,14). Drawing on Randy Alcorn’s books we learn that Heaven is a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, death, and brimming with Christ’s presence, wondrous natural beauty, and human culture as God intended it. Since God has put eternity in our hearts, studies aim to bring eternity to light in a way that will surprise us, spark our imagination, and change how we live today. In Heaven real believers with real bodies will enjoy close relationships with the Lord and each other, working, worshiping, and serving Christ forever.
Joy and Peace in Christ (in prisons and churches)
This 15-week class draws on work of Dr. Frank B. Minirth and covers many Scriptures to help Jesus’ followers to overcome spiritual depression and anxiety by trusting and obeying Jesus in the details of life.
Leadership in Business (College Level)
Focus on roles and skills to facilitate organization, growth, strategic planning, influencing others, and decision making. Christ’s leadership practices are studied and emulated. Lessons (positive and negative) were gleaned from case studies on many leaders.
Men: Marriage, Purity, and Sex (in churches)
In a society obsessed with sex, how should Christian men respond and be good stewards of our own sexuality? Topics include: Biblical overview of love, marriage, and sex; dating, courting, and preparing for marriage; building marriage unity and preventing divorce; warnings against adultery in Proverbs; problems of pornography. We draw on writings of Dr. Kevin Leman who explains how sexual intimacy is an expression of the care spouses show each other in all areas of life—in communicating, in sharing thoughts and feelings, in helping out around the house. Our goal is to create new joy, excitement, and satisfaction in marriages.
New Testament Survey (College Level)
Overview of all 27 books of the NT with emphasis on Christ as the unique Son of God who became a man to seek and to save the lost. Focus on: Jesus’ life, teachings, and work; His impact on people’s lives; the Kingdom of God; prophetic fulfillment; OT sacrificial system and the cross; centrality of Jesus’ resurrection; salvation by grace alone through faith in Christ alone; Christian Ethics; the Church as God’s New Community; the Great Commission; Jesus’ Second Coming.
Old Testament Survey (College Level)
Overview of all 39 books of the OT with emphasis on how the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Writings all point ahead to Christ as the unique Son of God and only Mediator (Prophet, Priest, and King) between God and humankind. Focus also on OT themes of monotheism, sovereignty, election, covenant, theocracy, law, sacrifice, faith, and redemption.
Red Sea Rules: 10 God-Given Strategies for Difficult Times (in small groups)
Using this book by Robert J. Morgan, we are reminded that just as Moses and the Israelites found themselves caught between “the devil and the deep Red Sea,” so also we are sometimes overwhelmed by life’s problems. In the midst of impossible situations, God promises to make a way for us where there is no way. His loving guidance protects us through danger, illness, marital strife, financial problems, and whatever challenges Satan places in our path. Focus is on Jesus’ strategies for moving from fear to faith when life is hard.
True Happiness Jesus’ Way: The Beatitudes (in churches)
These eight proverbs taught by Christ in His “Sermon on the Mount” show us how find true happiness in this life (now) and in Heaven (future). The Beatitudes are a map of life, helping us on our journey with Jesus. They describe the blessing, peace, and joy of Christ’s believers who walk with Him.