Christ’s Providence (Like a Surprise Garden)

Bob RoaneJesus Christ, Joy and Peace, Loving and Trusting God, Providence

The Son of God sustains all things by His powerful word….The LORD has established His throne in heaven and His kingdom rules over all….All this also comes from the LORD Almighty, whose plan is wonderful, whose wisdom is magnificent. (Hebrews 1:3; Psalm 103:19; Isaiah 28:29) Anna’s Story Imagine young Anna growing up in Nashville, Tennessee.1 Every year her mother gave …

All My Life Is Portioned Out for Me

Bob RoaneHymn Stories, Jesus Christ, Loving and Trusting God, Prison Ministry, Providence, Wise living

My times are in Your hand….I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. (Psalm 31:15; Philippians 4:11) Anna Waring Anna L. Waring (1823-1910) was a Welsh poet and hymn-writer. In her writings, she expressed deep love for and trust in Christ People praised Anna’s inner, unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in …

Idols of the Heart (Part 1)

Bob RoaneCounseling, Jesus Christ, Loving and Trusting God, Repentance, Confession, Forgiveness

You shall have no other gods before me….Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. (Exodus 20:3; 1 John 5:21) At Jester III Prison, we are teaching on “Authentic Manhood” as modeled by Jesus. This article builds on a recent class. I also used some of this material at Belhaven University, in other classes, and in pastoral counseling, mentoring, and disciple making. …

Do the Next Thing: Elisabeth Elliot

Bob RoaneCounseling, Jesus Christ, Loving and Trusting God

Updated May 31, 2018 to include an audio version of the post.     Righteous people (Jesus’ followers, saved by grace) shall live by faith in God and faithfulness to the Lord. (Habakkuk 2:4 paraphrase) Elisabeth Elliot Elisabeth Howard Elliot Gren (1926-2015) was a Christian missionary, author, and speaker known to many of you. She grew up in the Germantown …

Christ Cares for Those Who Trust Him

Bob RoaneJesus Christ, Joy and Peace, Loving and Trusting God

Audio Version Listen to an audio version of this post   Text Version From the class “Christ is All”. Used also at Belhaven University and in counseling and prison ministry. In the last two posts, we examined Nahum 1:7. When we take a Christ-centered approach to this Old Testament (“OT”) verse, it teaches the whole Bible’s message in a nutshell. …