Authentic Manhood & John Croyle

Bob RoanePrison Ministry

We are doing another 36 week class on Authentic Manhood at Jester III Prison in Richmond, TX. This is the fourth time we have taught this, each time with a new group of fifty or more men. Six weeks are given each to these topics: A Man + His Design (Manhood Realities; Create + Cultivate; Manhood Definition; King/Warrior; Lover/Friend; Seasons …

Knowing God Through Prayer (A-C-T-S)(Part 2)

Bob RoanePrayer, Praise, Worship

Last time, we discussed the A-C-T-S model of prayer, devoting time to: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Here we complete that article. If you missed it, you can read Knowing God Through Prayer (A-C-T-S)(Part 1) Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is the attitude and activity of expressing appreciation and indebtedness to the Lord.   Christ has blessed us so richly without our deserving anything. …

Knowing God Through Prayer (A-C-T-S, Part 1)

Bob RoanePrayer, Praise, Worship, Repentance, Confession, Forgiveness

I wrote this on New Year’s Eve when I was remembering a watchnight worship service in Philadelphia. It started at 10pm and ended after midnight. We reviewed the old year together, confessed our failings, and prepared for the new year, seeking Jesus’ blessing and renewing our covenant to follow Him. We began with Psalm 141:1-2—“I call to you, LORD, come …

Joy in Jesus: Savior with Four Names

Bob RoaneJesus Christ, Joy and Peace, Loving and Trusting God

It is Christmas Eve and here’s a favorite Scripture about Christ’s First Coming: To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of His government and peace there will be no end. He …

Joy in Jesus’ Emptying Himself for Us

Bob RoaneJesus Christ

Used to answer questions at Belhaven University. Let us appreciate how sacrificially our Savior loves us and what He gives us now and in the future. Christ Jesus, though He existed in the unchanging essence of God, did not count equality with God something to cling to, but emptied Himself, by taking the nature of a servant, being born a …

Joy Because Hanukkah Points to Jesus

Bob RoaneJesus Christ

(Excerpt from teaching/training classes, used also in pastoral counseling and prison ministry) In Jerusalem near 30 AD, the Lord Jesus attended the Hanukkah celebration. John 10:22 calls it “the Feast of Dedication” and it’s also called “the Festival of Lights” by Jewish people today. In John chapter 10, Christ calls people to faith in God at a time when love …

Joy in Jesus’ Historicity

Bob RoaneEvangelism & Revival, Jesus Christ

Adapted from Alisa Childers blog post. Used in response to questions at Jester III Prison and at Belhaven University in New Testament Survey. It may be helpful to you in evangelism and in defending the Christian faith. Christians believe in the Lord Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior of sinners, and we receive and depend upon Him …